Saturday 10 November 2012

// A collaboration with Native Union...

I've mentioned these guys before, they are a young and dynamic collective made up of international product designers who have come together to create new concepts and experiences for people who love to talk. One of their most well known products is the POP Moshi Moshi phone that I featured here last year. These talented folk got in touch via a friend last week as they urgently needed help setting up a pop up shop at the Boxpark, Shoreditch. And when they said urgent they meant in 10 days time so that it was up and running in time for the Christmas shoppers. Gulp. 

Snug loves a challenge, so we were happy to help. We have spent the last week helping to realise the concept that the guys had for the shop. Being creatives themselves they had a good idea of what they wanted, they just needed help to get it off the ground. We put a build team in place and as I sit here and type, the contractors are on site making magic happen. The guys have been working through the night to get everything built and ready and I'll be heading to see them in a minute to monitor progress, problem solve (if needs be) and to keep the guys topped up with hot coffee. 

I'll leave you with a before shot of the unit and will hopefully be back soon with some after shots so you can see what we have been up to. 

// Crikey it's been a while...

Time flies when you are having fun or when you leave full time employment to run your own business and then get caught up in all sorts of things you never knew existed. Ah what fun there is to be had designing websites, choosing studios and getting our heads around all manners of accounting matters (yawn). Been a great 6 months though and am pleased to say that life at Snug Studio is treating me well. We have picked up some great projects along the way and are working with some great people. 

And great people are what lead me to write my first post for while...